Sunarto Taliki, Ivo Colanus Rally Drajana, Andi Bode


One of the staple foods for most Indonesians is rice. Rice is one of the staple foods most consumed by the people of Indonesia, the need for rice is also increasing, considering the very large and scattered population of Indonesia. The ups and downs of rice prices also have an impact on farmers because of their large production. The solution to dealing with uncertain changes in the retail price of rice is to predict prices. One way to find out the estimated retail price of rice is to make predictions using the Support Vector Machine algorithm using Chi Square. The results of the experiments that have been carried out, the prediction of rice prices has been successfully carried out. The smallest error rate in the Support Vector Machine algorithm model is RMSE 733,061. Then the proposed model approaches the value of perfection, because the comparison of the experimental results of rice price predictions produces an average accuracy value of 95.82%. Thus, the proposed method is declared successful.

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